Schoolhouse Supplies Online

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When you order your child’s school supplies online, they will be waiting in their classroom on the first day of school. Ordering for the 2024-25 school year opens on May 1, 2024 and closes August 1, 2024.

Proceeds support Schoolhouse Supplies programs including Tools for Schools and the Free Store for Teachers, providing school supplies to low-income children throughout the Portland area.

If your school is interested in participating in this program for the 2025-26 school year, please contact for more information.

Proceeds support Schoolhouse Supplies programs including Tools for Schools and the Free Store for Teachers, providing school supplies to children in need throughout the Portland area.

Ordering for the 2024-25 school year is closed

Follow these easy steps to place your order online no later than august 1st:

  1. Click on your school’s logo.

  2. Save $5 and order by June 18, 2024.

  3. Select your child’s grade and place your order. The last day to order is August 1, 2024.

  4. Your supplies are matched to your teacher’s list and delivered to your child’s classroom ready for the first day of school!