Schoolhouse Supplies 2020 Evaluation and Assessment Report

by Schoolhouse Supplies

Evaluation and assessment is an essential part of the Schoolhouse Supplies annual program planning calendar: we want to ensure that our programs and services are relevant and meaningful. Each year, our community helps us understand what we can do for students, families and teachers that will support the academic success of children in our community.

During the 2019-2020 school year, Schoolhouse Supplies worked with evaluation expert Anne Gurnee Consulting (AGC) to continue to assess the impact of Schoolhouse Supplies services on the needs of students and teachers in high-need schools and districts. The approach included background research, several surveys, and a year-long case-study at a local elementary school.

This full report is available here. It offers a summary of the data collected, documents key findings and offers data-driven recommendations for modifications, improvements and next steps. A brief overview of those is also included below.

We are sharing this so others can use the data and insights to support their own work. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to change the approach during the last months of the school year and as a result, we have some very timely and relevant data informed by the new realities of public education. If you have questions or comments, we would like to hear them. Please feel free to get in touch (connect @

Key Findings

Prior evaluation work helped to define key areas where the provision and availability of classroom supplies help both teachers and students. Those areas include:

** Reduction of stress for both students and teachers

** Increase in student engagement

** Improvement of relationships between students and teachers

** Improvement in the overall school culture

From the case study and May 2020 survey, the following key findings emerge:

  1. Technology tools are a specific area of need for both teachers and students

  2. Technology training and support is needed by teachers, students & families

  3. “Basic” supply needs will likely be greater in the fall because of COVID-19 closures

  4. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a new need

  5. Cleaning supplies will remain a high need

  6. Economic realities will make the need for basic food, hygiene and clothing greater than usual

  7. Educators are very concerned about the social-emotional needs of their students

  8. Educators need support in setting up home-based virtual classrooms


  • Prepare for greater supply needs this fall

  • As the likelihood for virtual classrooms seems assured in the future, be ready with basic supply kits for students and teachers

  • Consider novel supply distribution options to get school supply kits in the hands of students quickly and efficiently

  • Help equip teachers’ at-home classrooms
